Chosen Candle

If you know me, you know that I am a really hard worker when it comes to design projects. I will stay up for hours at a time, trying to get a concept just right. I don’t love tight deadlines, and often feel stressed out when I know that I need to get something finished by a specific time.


Not so with Chosen Candle. This was a very tight turnaround project (for me, anyway - I work part-time, and needing to come up with a full logo design in one week was a stretch!), but the client always makes a difference. Britain was easy to talk to during our initial phone call, and he was very responsive when it came to providing helpful feedback and ideas. Eventually I came up with a logo concept that he and his business partner really liked, and it made the final cut!

Chosen Candle is a justice-minded company that seeks to help end human trafficking by donating a percentage of their profits to organizations with that purpose. They also want to keep their candle prices low in order to make the decision to buy consciously an easy one. I was so excited to get to design for such a conscientious company! I look forward to the opportunity of designing for more mission-minded businesses.

Is your business in need of a new logo and/or website? Do you desperately need a strong brand identity but haven’t found a designer yet? Let’s chat! I have an easy contact form you can fill out, and I respond within a few days. I look forward to hearing from you!

Melody Fulone

Graphic designer and textile artist living in New Hampshire. Branding is one of my favorite design projects to do.

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