The Moving Finger

First published in 1942, The Moving Finger is one of Agatha Christie’s lesser-known Miss Marple mysteries – but no less frightening! Siblings Jerry and Joanna have moved to a tiny English village for Jerry’s recovery after a crash, and quickly get swept up in a web of lies, threats, and naturally, murder. Some villagers have been receiving anonymous letters falsely accusing them of the most vile acts, and soon the siblings receive a letter of their own! Who is sending these malicious missives, and why did one of them result in murder?

After deciding on a color palette and an element from the book (the all-important typewriter, of course), I allowed myself to zone out while doodling the Art Deco-style border. Next, I sketched a rudimentary typewriter, layered over a simple shape for texture, and hand-lettered the title of the book. ‘Finger’ and ‘Agatha Christie’ were created using the font Pascal from Taylor Penton (discontinued).

Melody Fulone

Graphic designer and textile artist living in New Hampshire. Branding is one of my favorite design projects to do.

Woodland Animals


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