3 Ways to Create Branded Content

If you’re anything like me, there’s one particular task you really struggle with when it comes to marketing your business. 

You know the one I’m talking about. You’ve researched it on Pinterest, downloaded endless freebies on easy ways to accomplish this task, and stared at your screen in frustration when it finally comes down to it, unsure where to start.

“How do I create cohesive brand content?”

For many business owners, this question brings up feelings of stress, uncertainty, and frustration. 

You might be thinking, “It seems so easy for other businesses! Their content looks amazing and they get more engagement, more views, and more sales. Why can’t I achieve this?”

Let me take a little bit of that frustration off your plate and let you in on two little secrets: it’s not necessarily easy for other businesses, and you absolutely can achieve this. 

You have something other businesses don’t have: your own style, and your own special sauce that makes you different. The key here is taking advantage of both those things through a little careful curation.

Not sure where to start with that? Keep reading for my 3 ways to create cohesive brand content for your social media!

Don’t worry: we’re not diving super deep here. We’re going to keep this process nice and simple, and make it easy for you to begin creating cohesive brand content. 

Here’s what you need to get started!


Get your brand color palette ready! These will be the colors your brand designer provided you with, or the colors you chose yourself when you started branding. 

(Pssst. Not sure how to create a brand color palette? I’ve got a post for that!). 

There should be between 3-5 colors, ranging from light tones to dark shades. You'll need the hex colors for these (those hashtagged numbers!), and a way to create graphics (I prefer Canva!). 


You'll also want to make sure you've got your brand fonts handy too. I like to provide my clients with two or three fonts in a suite (a header/title font, a subheader font, and a paragraph font) to keep things cohesive and pleasant to the eye.


Don't forget your custom brand icons or illustrations, too! These are usually those special little patterns, icons, or illustrations your designer created for your brand. If you don’t have these, I highly recommend them as an easy way to brand your content with that special little extra detail. 

Now let’s dive into how to use these three tools to create some cohesive brand content!


This may seem like a no-brainer, but very often business owners aren't properly utilizing their brand's color palette, especially when it comes to marketing on social media! Here are a few ways to do this, both for Instagram and Pinterest graphics.


  • Be consistent with your brand colors when designing graphics. Use the same colors for headers, body text, backgrounds, and icons.

  • If you’re posting images from your portfolio, make sure they are images that emulate your brand – nothing that clashes! Try to curate similar tones and textures.

  • Change your highlight covers to be your brand colors! An easy way to do this is create circle shapes in Canva in your brand colors, and save each one individually. Here’s how to update your highlight covers


  • Same deal here: be consistent with your brand colors when designing graphics. Use the same colors for headers, body text, backgrounds, and icons.

  • If you’re pinning images from your portfolio or uploading product images, make sure they are images that emulate your brand – nothing that clashes!


It's very important that you are consistent with the fonts you're using! If your designer (or you) selected specific fonts for your brand, make sure you are using them when you create graphics! Did you know yu can save your brand fonts right in Canva for easy use? Here’s how to do that!


 If you've got patterns or illustrations your designer gave you, use those by all means! As backgrounds, as symbols, as graphic additions. Don't forget to update those highlight covers!


Here are some easy ways to put those brand patterns and illustrations to work! Simply use them as a background for an information or inspiration graphic, and make sure to update your Instagram highlight covers with the appropriate illustrations!


If you read through this guide and thought, "wait… but I don't have any of those components" or "I don't think my brand reflects me anymore", then let's talk!

If you’re unsatisfied and disorganized with presenting your brand to your community at large, now is the time to think about investing in a custom brand design. It's never a bad time to do this – it's the number one way to reach your people! 

I know how it feels to be scattered and unsure of your vision. To be lacking in the confidence you need to book the clients you love & sell the products you create. To feel like your website doesn't light you up or suit your brand - and you don't want to show it off.

I want all of those things for you: confidence, joy, and excitement. My goal isn't just to give you a beautiful new brand. I want much more than that for you! I want to help you feel like you can stand up to the competition, speak directly to the people you want, and move forward with assurance. Let’s reach those goals together.

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how to create branded content
Melody Fulone

Graphic designer and textile artist living in New Hampshire. Branding is one of my favorite design projects to do.


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